2022 new rattan and bamboo lamp shades and chandelier pendant light design
2022 tîrêjên tîrêjên nû yên rattan û baboom û sêwirana ronahiyê ya pendantê ya şaneşînê
malzemeyên siya çira rattan wicker
swatches wicker rattan ji bo çirayên çira
We are updating the new lamp shades and chandelier lights made by our new 2022 lamps and shades materials: new shades/design of bamboo and rattan.
Ew “honeycomb” design is the MOST distinguishing feature in our new lamp shades materials bamboo and rattan fabrics.
“honeycomb” make the shades and lights looks more shine and mondern.
plissee sêwirana çiraya qumaşê ya hişk a ku di siya çira û materyalên siyê de hatî çêkirin wêneyê siya qumaşê winkle, the bamboo and rattan materials, all made in our China factory, and good for bespoke shades and lighting for the lighting designers and shades makers.
Many colors are available for the design.
The common height of materials of bamboo and rattan, e 60 Çerçoveya metal a HARP ya siya çirayê.
For more shades and light materials, will coming soon for the customers around the world.