Kain lampu sing beda-beda: As one of top lamp shades and shade fabrics manufacturer in China, we can make any fabrics lamp shade, like cotton fabrics lamp shades in any color, linen fabrics lamp shade, silk fabrics lamp shade, paper and parchment fabrics shade etc.
There are fabric trims and laces, shade metal frame, and customized metal for shades and lamps in our showroom. More, any demand of accessories for the shades and lamps, we are happy to produce for our customers.
Lampu Kain minangka lampu sing digawe saka bahan kain utamane. Ing tembung liyane, kita bisa nggunakake kain / kain kanggo nggawe macem-macem lampu kanggo pelanggan.
Sugeng rawuh para perancang lan pelanggan kanggo tuku lampu lan lampu saka kita kanthi kain kita dhewe.
Kabeh Produk: Kap lampu kain desainer Spiro, Kabeh Produk, customized lamp shades, designer lamp shades, modern lamp shade, classice lamp shade, paper parchment lamp shades etc. All types of fabric lamp shades can be made and find our web and factories.