Kertas WASHI Jepang kanggo kap lampu saka pabrik bahan kap lampu MEGAFITTING China:
Japanese WASHI paper for lamp shade from MEGAFITTING FACTORY
Japanese WASHI paper and SIWA paper is one kind of quality lamp shade materials / fabrics for the lighting and lamp shade makers around the world.
MEGAFITTING, produces this kind of Japan paper in different colors, like white and beige, and yellow, to support the designer and lighting manufacturer, and lamp shade makers to produce their idea lamp shades.
Our common Japanese WASHI and SIWA paper in 25 meter each roll, and height for 1000 mm for the exporting markets.
Ing China, our size is 100 meters for the Japan paper fabric of lamp shade each roll.
The thickness of the Japan paper of lamp shade is 0.3 Sembarang conto bagean dekorasi finial sing cocog karo teduh lampu sampeyan kasedhiya.
More, the customized Japan paper for lamp shade is available from our MEGA FITTING lamps and shades factory.
For more desire and details on the Japan paper of lamp shades, pls email kita: trims / tali perkamen lsp.
Or visit our website: Amarga kita ngupayakake sing paling apik kanggo dadi supplier teduh lampu kain silinder ndhuwur ing China
MEGA FITTING, is one top lamp shade and fabrics of lamp shades supplier in China, tansah nindakake sing paling apik kanggo nyedhiyakake iyub-iyub kualitas lan lampu’ materi kanggo klien ing saindhenging donya.
Iku, punika, lan bakal dadi supplier ndhuwur lamp shade lan lamp shade kain lan bahan ing industri cahya.