» Blogg » to whom is interested in the parchment of lamp shade and the parchment lamp shades

to whom is interested in the parchment of lamp shade and the parchment lamp shades

Október 14, 2022

To whom is interested in the parchment of lamp shade and the parchment lamp shades:

Dear our friends, and the potential clients:

Við, all know that the parchment is an amazing and quality fabric/paper materials for the making of lamp shades, and the parchment lamp shades, like parchment table lamp shade, and the parchment shade for the desk light of hotel, and the bespoke parchment floor lamp shade, parchment shade for the ceiling light and pendant in the hotel and restaurant, even the wall light parchment shade in the residents and luxury houses etc. are very popular and nice as a special decor for the lights and lamps. The designers make the parchment lamp shade as one kind of classic decorative objects in the design world, because it is not only looks so beautiful, En einnig, it is a high-quality material for the lamps and shades.

My friends, and customers, as one quality parchment material supplier for lamp shade, and parchment lamp shade maker, I would like to say: ” If the distance between us is 100 steps, I am willing to take the 99 steps first, and wait for you take that last step, I’m willing to wait for as long as you it takes, because I LIKE TO WORK WITH YOU FOR THE AMAZING PARCHMENT LAMP SHADES!”

Just email me, once you confirm to make the amazing parchment lamp shade. It is both OK to get parchment materials or ask us to make the parchment lamp shades for you. What that you need to do, sendu okkur bara tölvupóst.

Good day and luck!

parchment empiral stíl stelpur skrifborð skrifborð lampa skugga með jaðar blúndur snyrtingu parchment empiral stíl stelpur skrifborð skrifborð lampa skugga með jaðar blúndur snyrtingu parchment fabric lamp shades material parchment fabric lamp shades material

Þér líkar líka við


    Við höfum aðstöðu til að framleiða klassískt og smart skugga dúkur, þar á meðal tónum efni eins og: PVC, PP, PS, GÆLUDÝR, EINKATÖLVA, Sólgleraugu’ snyrta / laces parchment o.fl..

    Fleiri, Við gerum líka efni tónum og efni lampar fyrir viðskiptavini beiðni á hvaða stærð og hvaða lit, jafnvel sérstök mynstur og hönnun fyrir tónum og lampar.

    Í einu orði, sem toppur og stór lýsing dúkur birgir í Kína, við framleiðum allar tengdar tónum efni, efni lampar, og efni fylgihlutir fyrir lýsingu til viðskiptavina um allan heim.

    Öll hönnun og spurning um lýsingarefni / klút, Velkomið að hafa samband við okkur.




    #3 Huaan Road Chuangye Area Caosan iðnaðargarðurinn, Guzhen Town Zhongshan borg, Guangdong héraði,Kína.

    Farsími:0086 136 2270 3681
    Sími: +86-0760-22348167
    Tölvupóstur: megafitting@foxmail.com

    Tölvupóstur: sale@megafitting.com

    Vefur: www.megafitting.com

  • Þjónusta
    Lampshade Dúkur, Efni Lamp tónum, Efni lýsing > hlutar.