» Lampaskermur mismunandi gerða » Cylinder Lamp Shades » Printed Sloane fabric lamp shade in hard back cylinder shade

Printed Sloane fabric lamp shade in hard back cylinder shade

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Printed Sloane fabric lamp shade in hard back cylinder shade Printed Sloane fabric lamp shade in hard back cylinder shade

As the development of technology in lamp shade making, we can making more and more designed color and patterns on the shade fabrics.

What you can see in the photo, we make a sloane fabric lamp shade in printed design patterns as per the designerrequest.

Núna, we can make any hard back cylinder fabric lamp shade in any design by printed fabric.

Svo, if you want to print any design for your idea lamp shade, then send us your design and request, we can make that perfect as showing in the image.

printed fabric lamp shade is becoming a popular sale in the market now.

We know the Solane style fabric lamp shade is good in UK market, núna, we can make the solane fabric lamp shade with the printed images by hard back and cylinder type /shade.

If you want to make any hard back cylinder fabric in printed shade, just come to call us, then it is easy to become true now in our facility.

Já, in the design printed fabric shade, you can see many flower in amazing color to make a soane style shade.



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    Við höfum aðstöðu til að framleiða klassískt og smart skugga dúkur, þar á meðal tónum efni eins og: PVC, PP, PS, GÆLUDÝR, EINKATÖLVA, Sólgleraugu’ snyrta / laces parchment o.fl..

    Fleiri, Við gerum líka efni tónum og efni lampar fyrir viðskiptavini beiðni á hvaða stærð og hvaða lit, jafnvel sérstök mynstur og hönnun fyrir tónum og lampar.

    Í einu orði, sem toppur og stór lýsing dúkur birgir í Kína, við framleiðum allar tengdar tónum efni, efni lampar, og efni fylgihlutir fyrir lýsingu til viðskiptavina um allan heim.

    Öll hönnun og spurning um lýsingarefni / klút, Velkomið að hafa samband við okkur.




    #3 Huaan Road Chuangye Area Caosan iðnaðargarðurinn, Guzhen Town Zhongshan borg, Guangdong héraði,Kína.

    Farsími:0086 136 2270 3681
    Sími: +86-0760-22348167
    Tölvupóstur: megafitting@foxmail.com

    Tölvupóstur: sale@megafitting.com

    Vefur: www.megafitting.com

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    Lampshade Dúkur, Efni Lamp tónum, Efni lýsing > hlutar.