Ko za ku iya gaya mana su wane ne kwastomomin ku a kasuwar mu 10000 masana'anta a hannun jari yanzu, kuma sabunta da sabuntawa zuwa hajanmu don ƙara ƙarin abubuwan inuwa’ yadudduka a cikin dakin nuni. Hardback, akwai ƙari 10000 abubuwa na masana'anta inuwar’ datsa zane a cikin ɗakunan nuninmu yanzu. domin yin pleated a cikin iyali amma daban-daban ra'ayi a kan yadudduka ga inuwa, our market department open and develop more lamp shades materials and lighting materials to support our customers around the wrold to help them make new and unique designs of lamp shade and lighting. There are so many items of fabrics of shades and related materials to match their lighting design. That is why the customers call us the largest and biggest supplier of lamp shade materials and lighting accessories in China.
Any question on lighting materials and shade fabrics, and lamp shades’ technology, we are happy to support our clients.
Muna da babban ingancin fitilar inuwa a cikin launi na azurfa don dacewa da inuwar fitilar silinda kuma.