bliadhnaichean a bhith ag obair le barrachd na Accessories de chumaidhean agus lampaichean » what we do usually to make us as one top lamp shade and lamp shade fabrics and shades accessories supplier in China

na bhios sinn a’ dèanamh mar as trice gus ar dèanamh mar aon phrìomh sgàile lampa agus solaraiche aodach sgàil lampa agus sgeadachadh sgeadachaidh ann an Sìona

  • Tuairisgeul

dè nì sinn mar as trice airson ar dèanamh mar aon sgàile lampa àrd, agus aodach dubhar lampa, agus solaraiche sgeadachaidhean dubhar ann an Sìona?

An toiseach, bidh sinn a’ trèanadh agus a’ cleachdadh gach mìos mar as trice.

Tha sin a’ toirt air an sgioba obrach againn cumail aig an ìre as àirde de sgil toraidh, agus eòlas, agus leig leis na h-innleadairean agus an luchd-obrach againn, and designers get updated information with the lamp shades and lighting industry.

Second, Our boss, and our team of R & damhan-allaidh, will go to the lamp shade and lighting fairs, and get so many new designs, and new materials from the supplying market, and the competitors, Is e sgàil lampa siolandair an stoidhle cumanta de sgàil-lampa anns na margaidhean, they go to visit our customers usually, to get the feedback and new demand, and learn more markets and products trends. Especially, our boss keep good touch with the largest lamp shade fabrics designers and suppliers from the fabric industry, to make us get the newest and innovative fabrics for the lamp shades, that helps us to make a large edge than other lamp shade makers and shade materials suppliers in China and the abroad.

Third, Our research and developing department, agus bu chòir mion-fhiosrachadh eile a bhith co-ionann ris an sgàil lampa pleated cruaidh àbhaisteach, working with the lighting designers, update and make 10 new designs for lamp shade every month in our showroom. The new design lamp shades, all from our lighting and lamp shades customersidea, and the new trend from the lighting and lampshade market, and many of them from our new lampshade fabrics, and our new lampshade technology, especially as the laser cut machine and printing machine growing up, some of new lampshades made by new craft works that the customers never see in the lamp shade and lighting market.

Fourth, As one top lamp shade maker and lamp shade materials (aodach sgàilean-lampa) supplier, we are a top and good hub in the lighting industry and lamp shade business around the world. That helps us to get the newest and largest information from the lamp shade markets. It makes sense. We could get more information, make more designs, supply more lamp shades on new technology, know more about our customers and the lamp shade markets. It is a positive cycle for our lamp shade business, and for our quality customers.





Foirm Iarrtais ( gheibh sinn air ais thugad cho luath ‘s a ghabhas )

stuthan solais de fhrasan lampa:

4 + 6 = ?

Is dòcha gun còrd e riut cuideachd

  • Roinnean-seòrsa toraidh

  • Bathar as ùire

  • Tagaichean

  • stuthan solais de fhrasan lampa

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