what kinds of fabric lamp shades does MEGA factory supply and who are your wholesale lamp shade customers in America?

LAMPSHADE SCALLOP RAFFIA le CREAM TRIM Meudan beaga is meadhanach bho fhactaraidh lampa agus sgàil MEGA Sìona 2023

Sgàil lampa aodach Raffia air a dhèanamh ann am factaraidh sgàil-lampa Sìona MEGA
Be one of the largest lamp shade manufacturers and the biggest materials supplier of fabric lamp shade in China, MEGA lamp and shade factory, also make the bespoke and normal metal frames of lamp shades for the clients around the world.
We supply all kinds of fabric lamp shades: sgàileanan lampa cùl cruaidh, sgàileanan lampa cùil bog, and the normal and tailored pleated fabric lamp shades.
And maybe, from the client’s view, we make the round and rectangle shades, and oval shade, tape shades as well for the places to use like home and hotels etc.
As a personal customer in USA, You can buy our shades from the companies like:
morleelampshade,New Brunswick Lamp Shade ,
needashade,J.Harris Lampshades,Jovin lampshades,
Solaraichean Frèam Sgàil Lamp Thomasnet,neach-cleachdaidh.
anns na mion-fhiosrachadh is e an rud a tha sinn airson a bhith faiceallach mu dheidhinn an dealbhadh ùr air an aodach le grèis-fhlùraichean, tha sinn air a bhith a’ toirt seachad na sgàileanan-lampa agus na goireasan dubhar airson uimhir de chompanaidhean lampa is dubhar anns na SA.
Ma tha feum agad air sgàileanan lampa mòr-reic airson do ghnìomhachas, tha fàilte oirbh fios a chur thugainn airson còmhradh.