Advantages of Ukiyo-e style lampshade:
Artistic value: Ukiyo-e is a traditional Japanese art with high artistic value and aesthetic appreciation.
Unique style: Tha feartan bòidhchead sònraichte aig sgàilean-lampa ann an stoidhle Ukiyo-e, faodar a chleachdadh mar phàirt de sgeadachadh a-staigh.
Eileamaidean cultarach: faodaidh e eileamaidean cultarail Iapanach a nochdadh gus faireachdainn coimheach a chuir ris an àite a-staigh.
Stoidhle Sìneach a ’peantadh sgàil lampa aodach a-muigh bho neach-dèanamh sgàil lampa Sìona MEGAFITTING 2024 DEARADH
Stoidhle agus dealbhadh ùraichte Sìneach a’ peantadh sgàil lampa aodach airson solais crochaidh a-muigh bho neach-dèanamh sgàil lampa Sìona MEGAFITTING 2024 Sreath DEARADH
CHINA STYLE PAINING LAMP SHADE le stoidhle cultarach Sìneach agus teicneòlas peantaidh airson taighean-bìdh
Sgàil lampa aodach stoidhle ùr Sìneach le bhith a ’peantadh teicneòlas ciùird agus dealbhadh udpated airson taighean-bìdh bho sholaraiche sgàil lampa Sìona MEGAFITTING
taigh-bìdh solais crochaidh sònraichte air a dhèanamh bho 8 dealbhadh sgàil lampa aodach
Feartan an sgàilean-lampa ann an stoidhle Ukiyo-e:
Dathan soilleir: Tha Ukiyo-e mar as trice dathan soilleir agus iomsgaradh àrd.
Diofar phàtranan: mar as trice bidh pàtrain a’ toirt a-steach seallaidhean nàdarra, caractaran, seallaidhean beatha làitheil, etc.
Eas-bhuannachdan sgàilean-lampa stoidhle Ukiyo-e:
Mothachadh cultarach: People in different cultural backgrounds may have different acceptance levels of Ukiyo-e. Maintenance difficulty: Exquisite patterns may require more maintenance and cleaning.
Application of Ukiyo-e lampshade in the dining room: Create an atmosphere: it can create a unique Japanese or Oriental atmosphere for the restaurant.
Pay attention to the collocation: you need to consider the coordination with other interior decoration and the overall style of the restaurant.
Famous restaurants use Ukiyo-e lampshade:
Feumar ainm sònraichte an taigh-bìdh agus am bu chòir an sgàilean-lampa peantaichte Ukiyo-e a chleachdadh a dhearbhadh tro sgrùdadh margaidh fhèin.
Teicneòlas solais lampa Ukiyo-e agus feartan:
Pròiseas: faodaidh e clò-bhualadh sgrion a ghabhail a-steach, clò-bhualadh gluasad teth agus teicneòlasan eile. Feartan: Mar as trice bidh sgàileanan nas buige agus faodaidh iad cumaidhean nas eadar-mheasgte a chruthachadh. Na buannachdan bho bhith a’ cleachdadh sgàilean-lampa Ukiyo-e mar sgeadachadh canndelier:
Bòidhchead: meudachadh tarraingeachd lèirsinneach an taigh-bìdh.
Pearsanachadh: to provide a unique personalized elements for the restaurant. Precautions during the design and installation:
Lighting effect: make sure that the lampshade will not excessively block the light, and affect the lighting of the dining room.
Location selection: select the right position to highlight the decorative effect of the lampshade.
MEGAFITTING The Company: Information about MEGAFITTING’s history, expertise and whether related to the Ukiyo-e lampshade needs to be obtained directly from the company.