hard pleated fabric lamp shade made in china
hard pleated fabric lamp shade made for table / standing lamp,
and pendant lights.
Any color and size of hard back pleated fabric lamp shade is OK for us to make them.
The common size is dia. 500 atzeko gogor zilarrezko eta urrezko film PVC PC lanpara-pantaila hoteleko eta jatetxeko zintzilikarioko argietarako MEGA enpresan egina..
The popular colors is red, Tamaina handiko urdin arrosa horia kate obalatuak ehunezko lanpara-pantailak esan nahi du, OIHILAK, and blue.
The meta ring to match is E14 and E27.
The price is the best, as made in China.
The designer special order is welcome.
The lead-time is 30 days normally.