» Toonide ja lampide tarvikud » waterproof fabric from China lamp shade fabrics supplier MEGAFITTING

veekindel kangas Hiina lambivarju kangaste tarnijalt MEGAFITTING

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VEEKINDEL KANGAS Hiina lambivarju kangaste tarnijalt MEGAFITTING


veekindel kangas Hiina lambivarju kangaste tarnijalt MEGAFITTING


veekindel kangas testimisel, et näidata, kui vastupidav vesi Hiinas lambivarju kangaste tarnija tehas MEGAFITTING COMPANY


veekindel kangas tõestab, kuidas Hiina lambivarju kangaste tarnija MEGAFITTING vitriinis olev kangakindel vesi.



As a top lamp shade fabrics supplier in China, we are not only supply the fireproof fabrics, and fire resistive PVC / Pc / Ps / PP etc. for the lamp shade makers and clients around the world, Aga, make the waterproof fabric for the lamp shades, especially for the fabric lamp shade which are used in the outdoor places, and where meets water for the lamp shades.

For the restaurant fabric lamp shades, and bespoke lamps, where usually needs the waterproof fabric to make bespoke fabric lamp and shades. As showing in the images, the water cannot mix and go through the yellow lamp shade fabric.

Our waterproof fabric normally is 1200 mm at height, and common colours are yellow, valge, punane. Muidugi, we can make custom made size at Height 1800 mm for special order, and with special colour for the designers and clients like blue, ja roheline, ja nii edasi.

Need more information on our lamp shade materials, please email us to have a response.

And you can visit our website: MEGAFITTING.COM to check some more fabrics and other materials for the lamp shade.

Any question on fabric lamp shade, it is pleased to get your email and contact, even exchange something information and technology.








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    Meil on võimalus toota klassikalist ja moodsat Varju kangad, sealhulgas toonimaterjalid nagu: PVC, Pp, Ps, LEMMIKLOOM, Pc, Tooni’ kaunistused/paelad, pärgament jne..

    Rohkem, me teeme ka kanga toonid ja kangast lambid klientide soovidele mis tahes suuruses ja mis tahes värvitoonis, isegi toonide ja lampide spetsiaalsed mustrid ja kujundused.

    Ühe sõnaga, tipp- ja suurte valgustikangaste tarnijana Hiinas, valmistame kõiki sellega seotud kangatoone, kangast lambid, ja kangatarvikud valgustamiseks klientidele kogu maailmas.

    Kõik kujundused ja küsimused valgustuskangaste/riide kohta, Tere tulemast meiega ühendust võtma.




    #3 Huaani tee Chuangye piirkond Caosani tööstuspark, Guzheni linn Zhongshani linn, Guangdongi provints,Hiina.

    Mobiiltelefon:0086 136 2270 3681
    Tel: +86-0760-22348167
    Meil: megafitting@foxmail.com

    Meil: sale@megafitting.com

    Veeb: www.megafitting.com

  • Teenus
    Lambivarju kangad, Kangas Lambi toonid, Kanga valgustus ja osad.