Kuidas kinnitada plastklamber kanga lambi toonidele:
1, Cut the plastic clamp holes: Use what fabric to make lamp shade, to be cut in the laser machine, and at the same time, to cut the square holes in the fabric as the design what we want.
(Tavaliselt, there are 2 ways to cut holes for the plastic clamp: inside and outside.)
Inside way: cut the holes from inside on the pvc/ ps hard back of the lamp shade.
Outside way: cut the holes on the out side of fabric for the lamp shade.
2, Stick the plastic clamp: Use hand to fix the plastic clamp inside the holes on fabric lamp shade, must take care not to broke the PVC or fabric of lamp shade.
3, Double check: Go to double check all the plastic clamp if all in good with the holes.
4, Match: fix carefully the plastic clamp/clips with the metal wire of the frame of lamp shade.
5, Packing the fabric lamp shade and ship for customers.
VALGED plastklambrid ja läbipaistvad plastklambrid ning must klamber
plasitc klamber kangast lambi varju detailide sees
Kuidas käsitada ja paigaldada plastklambrit kangast lambi varju
takjapaelaga plastklambri disain ja detailid kangast lambivarju jaoks, et säästa ruumi lambi varju jaoks saatmise ja transpordi ajal
detailid ja juhised plastklambri valmistamiseks kangast lambi varju sees
plastklambriga kangast lambivarjund, et säästa ruumi saatmise ajal, ning lambihoidja paigaldaja E14 ja E27-ga
lambivarju paigaldaja nii E14 kui ka E27 jaoks, E12 ja E26 metallrõngad
kuidas plastikust klambri disain, et säästa ruumi kanga lambi varju jaoks
kangast lambi varju plastikust klambri tarvik
Hiinast pärit kangast lambi varju plastikust klamber megafitting
plastikust klamber kangast lambi varju jaoks
plastikust klamber Velcro kangast lambi varju jaoks
For order and any question on the plastic clamp / clips, pls saatke meile e-kiri.