» Blog » how many years do you make the lampshade fabrics?

¿Cuántos años haces las telas de la pantalla de la lámpara??

August 6, 2021

¿Cuántos años haces las telas de la pantalla de la lámpara??

OOH, more than 20 years already.

We started to supply shadesfabric in China before 20 years ago.

Así que, exactly, almost all of lighting factory in China knows about us and buy some of

lamp shades and shade fabrics for their lighting manufacture from us.

If you have some friend in China who do the business in lighting,

maybe he/she know us and make some business with us before.

This experience help us to make business with new customers, when they want to do something with us.

We advise you to get that information too, that will be benifite for both us in the coming business.


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Telas de pantalla, Pantallas de lámpara de tela, Iluminación de tela y piezas.