pam ffoniwch MEGAFITTING gwneuthurwr cysgod lamp bwrdd merched Tsieina proffesiynol
woman and girls desk lamp shades
special design shades by printed craft works for girls lamps
Rydym ni one quality girls desk lamp shade manufacturer in China for more than 20 blynyddoedd. Mae mwy na 200 crafted workers in our factory, most of who have been making the lamp shade jobs for more than one decade, that is why our lamp shade factory can make so many outstanding designs for the girls desk lamp shades and exquisite crafts. Moreover, thanks to the China culture and location, our China lamp shade factory can save so much money on the shipping and other materials supply, which makes us our desk lamp shade at better price than other supplier in other countries.
skirt shade in pleated sytle lamp shade for girls desk lamps
rose flower pattern shade for girls desk lamp
Our lamp shade factory in China, not just supply the wholesale lamp shade for China, but for all the customers around the world. Recently, we have been making the girls desk lamp shades in all types’ design and all kinds of shade materials for many customers around the world, especially for the customers who sell their products on Amazon. Refer to that, more than more customers come to our lamp shade factory for support of producing their girls desk lamp shades order.
rose design pattern girls desk lamp shade
red fabric with trimming decor lamp shade for girls desk lamp
Why? That is a big question now. Not just for the customers, but for us. We are trying us to ask the question why all customers come to our factory for support to their desk lamp shade orders.
After thinking, we make it answer as below for why we are a reliable and quality girls desk lamp shade manufacturer:
Cyntaf, we can make all types of girls desk lamp shades, like we can make both the soft back and hard back desk lamp shades. Especially, our pink soft back of pleated fabric desk lamp shades is so so hot sale for our customers around the world. And we can make any design of desk lamp shades like the oval shade, round shade, square shade, and the rectangle desk lamp shade etc.
Second, as to our strong and reliable supply of shade fabrics, we can make all types of fabric desk lamp shades. For example, we can make the girls desk lamp shade in fabric materials like cotton, lliain, silk, and ribbon, and line strings etc. And any color of the shade fabrics is available for us to make the dream girls desk lamp shades for our customers’ special order.
red fabric with trimming decor lamp shade for girls desk lamp
purple lamp shade for girls desk lamp
Third, Our skilled workers make sure our girls desk lamp shade in good quality and lead-time supply in time as the customers’ expectation. And any design and any craft desk lamp shades is not problem for our old and experience workers. And the location of our China factory can ship the lamp shade orders in time and quickly distribute the shades to anywhere of the world.
printed pattern girls style desk lamp shades
Fourth, Our R&D department update our girls desk lamp shades design every month for our customers as pet the marketing demand and research. All of colleagues in our R&Adran D, are so young and girls, and went, and not, and will come to and get back information from the customers and the markets. And they update and update, and make many samples of girls desk lamp shades for our customers’ comment. Wedyn, they will improve their design and the quality on the desk lamp shades. And our R and D department in good work to make sure our girls desk lamp shades can fit for any lamp holder like E12, E26, E39, G8.5, G9, G5, GU10, E14, E27 etc.

Princess arddull merched desg lampau cysgodion
Fifth, There is a special girls department in our lamp shade factory, the after sale department, to get the feedback from our customers and complain, which help us to improve our service and products. That help us to make our girls desk lamp shade quality, design, and service and other supply better than other supplier for the lamp shade business.
More than those our hard works, prove us as one outstanding of girls lamp shade manufacturer. The local government and lamp shade association send us many medals for our outstanding works on the lamp shades production. And more and more customers from all over the world come to our factory for the lamp shade orders, which is a top award and biggest support for our lamp shades making. Certainly, our suppliers also give us so much support on the materials of desk lamp shade making, who not just supply us the best materials for our making on the lamp shades, but give financial support on the produce of lamp shade that we can get the best payment on them.
pink feather girls desk lamp shade for night standing lamps
pink fabric with trimm and crystal beads lamp shade for girls desk lamps
Gloi, we would like to thank for everyone on the support of our lamp shade produce. And our deeply understand that “be good quality, be good person, and at the girls foot to think about everything for girls” for our making of girls desk lamp shades. And we believe that making good quality girls desk lamp shades is the best feedback for our customers and all.
For more questions on our lamp shade manufacture, please check the information as below, or connect us.
pink fabric girls desk lamp shade
pink decor girls desk lamp shade with furry trimming
pink and yellow pleated hard back fabric girls desk lamp shades
particular design shade for girls desk lamps
parchment empiral style girls desk table lamp shade with fringe lace trim
leather in pink color made for girls desk lamp shade
leather girls desk lamp shades
girls and women style pleated soft back fabirc lamp shades
girls and women desk lamp shades
girl and boy desk lamp shades
desk lamp shade for reading lights
desk lamp shade for bed room reading lights
desk lamp shade for bed room reading lights a
1, Can you make small order, neu gysgod un lamp pwrpasol yn unig ar orchymyn maint ar gyfer gorchymyn cysgod lamp?
A: Ie. Mae unrhyw orchymyn ar gael i ni, Anfonwch e-bost atom i gadarnhau cyn archebu.
2, Allwch chi wneud unrhyw addewid ar y pacio yn ystod llongau?
A: Ie, Rydym yn cymryd pob cyfrifoldeb wrth ein hochr.
3, Sut wnaethoch chi bacio'ch cysgodion lamp?
A: Fel arfer gan drol gyda'r manylion cymorth y tu mewn.
Ar gyfer cysgod gwahanol, Mae gennym ateb gwahanol ar gyfer pacio, Nawr yn gadael i chi, Ar ôl eich Gorchymyn.
4, Allwch chi longio eich cysgod lamp i'n lleoliad?
A: Ie, Mae gennym yr ateb llongau ar gyfer ein cwsmeriaid ledled y byd. Gadewch i ni wybod eich dinas, Byddwn yn anfon yr ateb llongau atoch chi.
5, Allwch chi wneud ein maint lamp cysgod?
A: Ie, Mae unrhyw faint ar gael i ni.
6, Allwch chi wneud ein logo ar y cysgod lamp a phacio carton?
A: Ie, Gadewch i ni wybod eich manylion logo. Byddwn yn gwneud y logo i chi pan fyddwch yn archebu.
7, Allwch chi anfon samplau ataf / ffug-i fyny cyn lamp cysgod gorchymyn màs?
A: Ie, Mae'r sampl yn iawn i ni.
8, Allwch chi ddarparu'r samplau / swatch o ffabrigau cysgod lamp?
A: Ie, Rydym yn gwneud hyn fel arfer ar gyfer cwsmeriaid newydd.
9, A all ddweud wrthym beth yw gwerthiant poeth cysgodion lamp ffabrig?
A: Ie, Mae gennym lawer o gwsmeriaid ledled y byd, Rydym yn deall hynny ac yn hapus i gefnogi ein cwsmeriaid.
10, Allwch chi wneud cymorth marchnata cysgod lamp neu gynnig gwerthu cysgod lamp i ni?
A: Ie. Rydym yn hapus i rannu ein gwybodaeth a'n gwybodaeth gyda'n cwsmeriaid. Anfonwch eich cais a'ch gwybodaeth atom, Byddwn yn rhannu ein marchnata gwerthu cysgod lamp i chi.
Sut i wneud gorchymyn cysgod lamp ffabrig arnom?
Ateb: Fel arfer, Anfonwch feintiau cysgod lamp yr hyn rydych chi am ei wneud, Er enghraifft: Y maint uchaf * Maint gwaelod * uchder slant. Maint yn ôl modfedd neu / cm / mm, Mae popeth yn iawn i ni.
Wedyn, Gadewch i ni pa ffabrig yr hoffech ei ddefnyddio, fel cotwm neu liain ac ati.
Gloi, Os hoffech chi ddefnyddio rhywfaint o docio neu addurn arall ar gyfer cysgod y lamp, Dangos a rhoi gwybod i ni. Dyna'r cyfan.
Sut i fesur cysgod lamp ffabrig?
Ateb: Fel arfer, Rydyn ni'n dosbarthu'r arlliwiau yn 3 mathau: A: Cysgodion crwn, B: Petryal / Arlliwiau hirgrwn, C: Arlliwiau sgwâr. Ar y manylion penodol sut i farcio'r maint i lawr, Gweler ein llun isod. Yn gallu gweld y llun i wybod mwy o fanylion sut i fesur maint lampshade hirgrwn:
Sut i fesur cysgod
Sut i gael y deunyddiau ffabrig a lliwiau ar gyfer eich gorchymyn ffabrig lamp arlliwiau?
Ateb: Gallwch lawrlwytho ein catalogau o ffabrigau ar gyfer cysgod lamp yn ein gwefan, Neu anfonwch e-bost atom i gael yr e-gatalog ar gyfer yr hyn rydych chi ei eisiau. Yn union, Ar gyfer lliwiau ffabrig, we can make any color for your fabric lamp shades. Additionally, as the development of technology on lamp shad making, we can print any design / your logo with any color for your dream lamp shades. Try us and trial order with us, you will find an amazing fabric lamp shade maker to support your lamp shade business.
Can you send some new of fabric designs for our reference to make an updated lamp shade order?
Ateb: Ie, Our R&D always do our best to update the design jobs to support our fabric lamp shades business. We update the fabrics and designs of shade to make our customers’ lamp shade business better and better.
Can you supply the samples of lamp shade fitters for us before the mass order?
Ateb: Ie, we can supply all kinds of lamp shade fitters for your check and approval before order. If need some special finish / color for the lamp shade fitter / metal ring / washer, please let us known that before sending, which maybe need some more time to producing.
Are your lamp shade fitter / washers fit for American and European market standard?
Ateb: Ie, we have both solutions for the USA and Euro markets. Just let know where you would like to sell for the lamp shades, we can match the relevant fitters / washers for the lamp shades. Take it easy, we will and can care all details and standards for the lamp shades to support your lamp shade sale business.
Can you tell us who is your customers in our market?
Ateb: Sorry, we have to protect our old customers in the market. It is a business secret for the lamp shade business.
How many years have you been in the making of fabric lamp shades?
Ateb: AHHA, it is quiet long years ago. Mae gennym fwy na 20 blynyddoedd / experience on making lamp shade and supplying the shade fabrics / materials for our China customers. That is why we are called one of top lamp shade makers in China.
Do you have some of lamp shades in your stock which can be sent out quickly for our lamp shade sale?
Ateb: Ie, we have more than 1000 square meter warehouse to stock our common lamp shades. You can get our usual lamp shades in our stock to sale in your market.