parchment fabric of lamp shade

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parchment fabric in dark yellow colour and light colour from China lamp and shade fabrics supplier MG

parchment fabric in dark yellow colour and light colour from China lamp and shade fabrics supplier MG

Parchment fabric in dark yellow colour and light colour from China lamp and shade fabrics supplier MG.         1. Parchment Fabric Source and use: Parchment fabric, Usually called parchment cloth in Chinese, is a specially designed material used to make a variety of decorative and functional shades (cysgodion lamp). Usually its texture and appearance are similar to

best quality fabric parchment of lamp shade from China top lamp shade materials supplier MEGAFITTING

best quality fabric parchment of lamp shade from China top lamp shade materials supplier MEGAFITTING

best quality fabric parchment of lamp shade from China top lamp shade materials supplier MEGAFITTING As a top lamp shade fabrics and shade accessories supplier in China, we not only supply the best parchment fabric of lamp shade for shade makers to make top quality lamp shade for hotels and restaurants etc, ond hefyd, our


    Mae gennym gyfleuster i gynhyrchu'r clasur a ffasiynol ffabrigau cysgodol, gan gynnwys y deunyddiau cysgodion fel: PVC, PP, PS, ANIFAIL ANWES, CYFRIFIADUR, cysgodion’ trimiau/laces parch ac ati..

    Rhagor, rydym hefyd yn gwneud cysgodion ffabrig a lampau ffabrig i'r cwsmeriaid ofyn am unrhyw faint ac unrhyw liw, hyd yn oed y patrymau a'r dyluniadau arbennig ar gyfer y cysgodion a'r lampau.

    Mewn un gair, fel cyflenwr ffabrigau goleuadau uchaf a mawr yn Tsieina, rydym yn cynhyrchu pob cysgod ffabrig cysylltiedig, lampau ffabrig, ac ategolion ffabrig ar gyfer goleuo i'r cwsmeriaid ledled y byd.

    Unrhyw ddyluniad a chwestiwn am oleuo ffabrigau/brethyn, croeso i gysylltu â ni.




    #3 Parc Diwydiannol Caosan Ardal Chuangye Road Huaan, Guzhen Tref Zhongshan City, Talaith Guangdong,Tsieina.

    Symudol:0086 136 2270 3681
    Ffôn: +86-0760-22348167



  • Gwasanaeth
    Ffabrigau Lampshade, Cysgodion Lamp Ffabrig, Goleuadau ffabrig > rhannau.