» Příslušenství stínidel a lamp » As a large lamp shade fabrics supplier in China why we cannot show all fabrics of lamp shade here page

Jako velký dodavatel tkanin stínidla v Číně, proč nemůžeme zobrazit všechny tkaniny stínidla lampy zde stránku

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As a large lamp shade fabrics supplier in China why we cannot show all fabrics of lamp shade here?

Dobrý den, our close and new customers, a návrháři.

We are trying to show all of new fabrics of lamp shade, and the classic and common fabrics for lamp shade design in the website page recently.

As one top and large lamp shade fabrics and shade materials /accessories maker, we are happy and would like to share our new design fabrics of shades,

and lamp shade design in our website for our customers and designers all over the world.

Unfortunately, we found it is a difficult to upload and share all of the designs of lamp shade and fabrics in the page.

It is hard for the clients and designers to open in different country in the different website servers/ host.

There are too many photos and pictures for the lamp shades and the fabrics of shade, and other shade materials.

We have too many fabrics of lamp shade, and the relevant accessories of lamp shades, a textilní lampy, and the updated design, and the innovative lamp shade materials in our showroom and warehouse.

We would like to make a good solution to show them for our designers and customers to support their jobs and business. Let us see, to looking for a new and good ways in the coming days.

On the other ways, if you need any support for the lamp shades, a stínidla lamp tkaniny, and lamp shade materials, and any problem of lamp and shades, just do not hesitate to contact us,

if you could not find a good product and solution in our website.

Our eamil : magefitting@foxmail.com

P.S. we are making a new catalog for the 2022 fabrics of lamp shades collection.








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    Jedním slovem, jako špičkový a velký dodavatel osvětlovacích tkanin v Číně, vyrábíme všechny související odstíny tkanin, textilní lampy, a textilní doplňky pro osvětlení zákazníků po celém světě.

    Jakýkoli design a otázka týkající se osvětlovacích tkanin / tkanin, vítejte, kontaktujte nás.




    #3 Huaan Road Chuangye Oblast Caosan Průmyslový park, Guzhen Město Zhongshan City, Guangdong – hotely,Čína.

    Mobilní:0086 136 2270 3681
    Tel: +86-0760-22348167
    E-mail: megafitting@foxmail.com

    E-mail: sale@megafitting.com

    Web: www.megafitting.com

  • Služba
    Tkaniny stínidel, Tkanina Stínidla lamp, Textilní osvětlení a díly.