custom large rattan lamp shade for pendant light made in china megafitting shade and shade materials factory As a trusted lam shade and shade materials, proveïdor de teixits d'ombra, acabem de fer una gran ombra de làmpada de ratan per a un gran projecte. La mida personalitzada és el diàmetre 1000 Mm, i alçada per a 1600 Mm. El material és de ratan marró. There is …
wicker and rattan lamp shades and lights from china maker MEGA In our factory, estem fent les ombres de vímet i vímet a mida, i llums per a un gran projecte. A la foto, podeu veure el nou disseny de tons de làmpada de vímet, i ombres de ratan a la nostra fàbrica. Any size and design shades …
We are one of top lamp shade makers in China, usually, we supply the OEM producing for many lamp shade brands’ vendor around the world. And the Spiro designer fabric lamp shade is one of the special order from our customers. As per the customer’ particular design to make the fabric lamp shade in spiro shade that is not …
Ítem : oversize blue pink yellow oval string wrapped fabric lamp shades made in China shade and shade fabrics maker MEGA fitting Lamp shade Style /USE Ceiling lamp shade, ombra de llum lleugera penjant, chandelier light lamp shade, wall light lamp shade, wall sconce lamp shade, bespoke oversize fabric lamp shade,oversize oval lamp shade, string wrapped lamp …