» Блог » The collaboration between the HOTEL FABRIC LAMP SHADE MANUFACTURER and the hotel lighting manufacturer

Сътрудничеството между ПРОИЗВОДИТЕЛЯ НА АБАЖУРИ ОТ ХОТЕЛСКИ ПЛАТ и производителя на хотелско осветление

Август 30, 2024

The collaboration between the HOTEL FABRIC LAMP SHADE MANUFACTURER and the hotel lighting manufacturer is indeed a fine tale in the hotel lighting industry. The former specializes in designing and producing exquisite, high-quality fabric lampshades, while the latter excels in the overall design and manufacturing of lighting fixtures.

In the course of their collaboration, the HOTEL FABRIC LAMP SHADE MANUFACTURER first designs a variety of stylish and texture-rich fabric lampshades based on the hotel’s needs and market trends. They meticulously select fabrics to ensure that the lampshades are both aesthetically pleasing and durable.

At the same time, the hotel lighting manufacturer customizes the structure of the lighting fixtures to match the lampshades, achieving excellence in aspects such as light distribution, energy efficiency, and ease of installation and maintenance. Here is their collaborative process:

  1. Collaborative Design: The design teams from both factories work together to ensure that the design of the lampshades and lighting fixtures are harmonious and meet both functional and aesthetic requirements.
  2. Material Selection: They agree on the materials to ensure that the fabric of the lampshades and the other parts of the lighting fixtures complement each other in durability and beauty.
  3. Prototype Testing: Before mass production, they jointly test prototypes to ensure the quality and effect of the product.
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  5. Production Coordination: During production, the two factories closely coordinate to ensure a seamless assembly of lampshades and lighting fixtures.
  6. Quality Monitoring: From production to shipment, both parties conduct strict quality control to ensure that each product meets the high standards of excellent hotel lighting.

Through such collaboration, they not only produce outstanding hotel lighting products but also merge their respective professional expertise and pursuit of quality, providing the hotel industry with numerous classic and durable lighting solutions.


That is why we recommend it to our clients of hotel industry. HB hotel lighting company make the lamps with our fabrics are so outstanding and unique design for the hotels, and nice service.

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    Разполагаме със съоръжение за производство на класическата и модна сенчести тъкани, включително нюансите материали като: PVC, PP, PS, Домашен любимец, Компютър, Нюанси’ кантове/дантели пергамент и т.н..

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  • Услуга
    Абажур Тъкани, Плат Лампа нюанси, Осветление от платове и части.