- የሉል እና ከፊል ግሎብ መብራት ጥላ (233)
የቀርከሃ desgin ወረቀት ጨርቆች ለ መብራት ጥላዎች ከቻይና ጥላ እና ጥላ ቁሶች ፋብሪካ
It is a classic design “የቀርከሃ” የመብራት ጥላ የወረቀት ጨርቅ.
ለመብራት ጥላ ሰሪዎች ለመብራት ጥላዎች አዲስ ንድፍ ለመስራት አንዳንድ ተጨማሪ ቀለሞችን አዘምነናል።.
The paper materials is amazing to make the lamp shades for resort hotel table lamp and pendant lights.
It looks like a nature BAMBOO in the design of fabric materials of shade.
If you like the nature, you will like the design of “BAMBOO” to make a shade as well.
The size of the BAMBOO fabric material of shade is height 1.1 ሜትር.
and the roll of the shade materials is 25 ሜትር.
Also, the materials of shade is available for lighting making too.